In this thought-provoking examination of freedom, patriotism, and respect, ninth-grader, Philip Malloy, is kept from joining the track team by his failing grades in English class. Convinced that the teacher just doesn't like him, Philip concocts a plan to get transferred out of her class. Breaking the school's policy of silence during the national anthem, he hums along, and ends up in a crisis at the center of the nation's attention.
1 comment:
This book was a very fast read, which was good since it was so sad. Being raised by a school teacher I have seen more of school politics than I would care to see.
Everyone in this book had their own agenda. Most of the characters were all about keeping to their agendas rather than finding out or admitting to the truth.
The saddest aspect of this book, it is a true example of what does and can happen in our society.
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