Monday, May 11, 2009

What I Learned at Book Club This Month: vol 5

Oh my goodness. Book club is tonight, and I haven't even posted about last month yet! So, a quick recap:

1. Lucinda renamed book club to book party. I'm sure it is because we are so dang fun.

2. We spent quite a while reminiscing about our 15!! years of book clubbing. That's a lot of books read, desserts eaten, lives discussed (our own of course, because we would never gossip), and friends made.

3. We finally remembered the name of that one girl, who lived in the blue-roofed townhomes, with the two cute girls, and husband who was an architect student. Susan even Facebooked her (yea, I still don't have one of those). I wonder if she checked us out or just thought Susan was a big creeper...

4. Anyway, all that reminiscing led me to the What I Learned at Book Club This Month moment: be careful about the book you choose for book club, because you may be remembered for it. Because really, once you've chosen a seriously scandalous novel you will always be remembered as The Girl Who Picked the Irish Sex Book.

Consider yourself warned.




Annell said...

Thanks for giving a recap of our last meeting. Truthfully, I don't remember a thing about it...I think it was the drugs. I remember sitting next to you...did I fall asleep or drool on you?

Candy said...

Way to make us sound really, REALLY naughty, Annell! Who would have thought Annell would be the one to "out" us as more hip than we really are!

(Note to my children: there are NO drugs at Book Club. Annell was sick, I tell you. Sick.)

Is anyone else starting to notice a reoccurring theme with Annell and drool?

Susan said...

Jen...I have to say how much I love your posts!!!! It makes me happy to read them!

And yes..what it is with drool and Annell? I am so sad I missed Monday night! I feel so incomplete without the naughties!!!

Lauri said...

Thanks for posting, I look forward to it each month.
Now you have to do one for the May book club/party.

Jen said...

I don't remember what happened in May. That was a long time ago for my aging memory.

Candy said...

Jen, as that was my book club, I would have expected it to be etched in your memory for all eternity. But whatever. Next time I'm hiring a stripper.
(Note to my kids: I am totally kidding. Totally. I swear.)